2012年11月30日 星期五

「血」染悉尼多個海灘 背後的原理是甚麼?

「血」染悉尼多個海灘      121128



  (當地時間1127)澳洲悉尼著名的邦迪海灘(Bondi Beach)因為有大量藻類增生,驚現紅潮,令到海水變血紅色。當地政府趕緊封閉多處沙灘,並對海水抽樣檢查,相信是由於藻類作怪所致。




Bondi Beach Turns Bloody Red in Australia

Australia beaches turned blood red   November 27, 2012

   Popular beaches around SydneyAustralia had to be closed on Tuesday after a huge algae bloom turned the water deep red.

   Experts say the thick red algae is a natural phenomenon, sometimes caused by adverse weather conditions.

   The blooms, which are often referred to as "red tides" or "sea sparkle," are more common during the spring and autumn months when the water temperature is warmer and there are greater movements in ocean currents.

   Although it has no toxic effects, people are advised to avoid swimming in areas with discoloured water as the algae can be high in ammonia and can cause skin irritation. 


  近日澳洲悉尼著名的邦迪海灘(Bondi Beach)出現紅潮,海灘一片血紅。沙灘上都變成一片血紅色,有如染上顏料般,還飄來陣陣魚腥味。




  參考網上文章【赤潮(紅潮)與藻毒Red Tides】(陳衍昌 海大養殖系,參考連結:http://ind.ntou.edu.tw/~b0232/redtide.htm

  要形成赤潮(紅潮)必須「天時地利人和」才能發生。因為在赤潮形成前幾天必須有陸上的降雨,然後經由河流將含鐵的腐質酸(humic acid)帶入河口,其次在赤潮初形成時,要有充分陽光並有向陸上吹的風,而且海況亦須配合適度的潮水及有湧昇流。而潮水及湧昇流又和潮汐及季節相關。因此,赤潮常在春夏交接之間,於大雨過後,天氣放晴時出現於河口海域,是有以上脈絡可尋的。

  那麼產生紅潮的養份--含鐵的腐質酸(humic acid)--從哪兒來?





半年融化1183萬平方公里 北極海冰消失面積比美國大   20121129

  聯合國世界氣象組織(WMO)在卡達首都杜哈舉行氣候會議時表示,今年3月至9月期間,北極海冰消融1183萬平方公里,比整個美國還大,而WMO秘書長賈侯(Michel Jarraud)也預告「溫室氣體濃度會再度破紀錄」,似乎暗示全球暖化現象是人類無法挽回的危機。





  早在今年9月已有新聞談及「北極冰面今夏縮至歷來最小   2012-09-20」,當北極冰層的融化將加速空氣變暖,導致格陵蘭島的冰川融化,使海平面上升。從前北極冰層能夠反射陽光,現在冰層融化後,海洋吸收太陽熱量使空氣溫度上升,而海洋吸收太陽熱量使空氣溫度上升後,又會使各地出現各種破紀錄的極端氣候。








資料來源:Planet X 與 2012


美軍無人機空襲巴基斯坦西北部致死3      2012-11-29







  過去曾有報導指無人機造成巴基斯坦的平民嚴重傷亡,見:「報告指美國無人機造成平民嚴重傷亡 2012925」。

  而巴基斯坦內政部長拉赫曼.馬利克(Rehman Malik)稱,美國無人機在巴基斯坦炸死的人中80%都是無辜平民,見:「巴基斯坦官員稱美無人機空襲死者中有8成無辜平」。


資料來源:Planet X 與 2012

Strange elite exodus: Planet X cometh, see how they run

Why so many simultaneous resignations?
 Is there something big about to go down or rather “come down"?
Now that Planet X can be seen as a Second Sun in the sky with the naked eye, the abrupt exodus of the so-called elite is making news. Is the cover-up cracking now that major earth changes and second sun sightings are undeniably upon us all?
As earth changes continue to assault countries of the world, creating drought and deluge, intense storms, booming, shifting, and cracking land, the cover-up attempts continue. But the news of Planet X in the universe can no longer be suppressed, even though there is no main stream media coverage of the second sun sightings around the world.
What will the wealthy and powerful do as the last weeks before the pole shift arrive and earth changes wreak havoc on their comfortable lifestyles and the ability to control?
When wooden ships were in common use, there were always rats on board. If the rats knew that the ship was in trouble and sinking, they would jump off and swim away to safety. Unlike the captain and sailors trying to save the ship, the rats would just run away. And, so the phrase “like rats deserting a sinking ship” was born, referring to those who ditch what they see as a lost cause to save themselves.
Do the so-called elite believe that end times are near? Are they quietly leaving the scene on their Lear jets and literally and figuratively heading for the hills. Like rats deserting a sinking ship, are they slipping away in the dead of night to their secret and hopefully safe enclaves.
In recent days, a conspicuous number of high-level officials have tendered resignations, many within the past three days alone.
  • (Sat, Nov 11) – George Entwistle resigns as BBC Director General, after holding the job for only 53 days (will receive a £450,000, equivalent to one year’s salary)
  • (Fri, Nov 10) – Canada – Laval Mayor Gilles Vaillancourt resigns under a cloud of suspicion
  • (Fri, Nov 10) – Canada – Mayor Michael Applebaum resigns from Montréal’s executive committee
  • (Fri, Nov 10) – Canada – Robert Dutton, President of Canada's largest network of home-improvement retailers, steps down
  • (Thurs, Nov 9) – Christopher Kubasik, former Lockheed Martin President/COO and “incoming” CEO, ousted
  • (Thurs, Nov 9) – Canada – PetroShale announces resignation of Director Daniel Jarvie
  • (Fri, Nov 9) – Roger Ortiz' resignation official, Cameron County, Texas, elections commission administrator, resigns
  • (Thurs, Nov 8) – Billionaire Frank Stronach (est. net worth of more than $1.7 billion) steps down from Magna International board chairmanship
  • (Tues, Nov 6) –CEO of South Africa’s Stortec, Tim Knowles, renounced his position saying it is time for a change(Mon, Nov 5) – Canada – Mayor of Montreal Gérald Tremblay resigns, announcing he is leaving politics.
  • (Tues, Oct 30) – Ashok Mittal, Head of India Investment Banking for Swiss Bank UBS resigns. He had been head of India Investment Banking since June of last year .
  • (Tues, Oct 16) – Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit abruptly resigns, receiving a bonus of $6.7 million for work he did this year.
  • (Mon, Oct 15) – Canada – Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty unexpectedly resigns
The word about Planet X spread among the wealthy and powerful long ago, giving them a head start to prepare for the pole shift. So, where were they going?
Well, they are leaving Florida, New York City, and coastline areas like Houston and other seaside locations to “head for the hills,” literally and figuratively – into the hills of Alberta, Canada or the Ozarks, into rock cavities built especially for them, and well stocked with supplies. They are avoiding places expected to be crowded, from overpopulated areas such as the East Coast of the US, Europe, and the Pacific Rim, as well as countries dominated by Islam to avoid culture clash and perhaps resultant hostility.
"Bunkering" into mountains has been a favorite theme since the days of Mt. Weather. The so-called elite, once arrogantly assumed that bunkering into mountainsides would provide fail-safe protection. However, given the projected size of pole shift earthquakes (in the 9.0 magnitude range worldwide), mountain building and continental rifts tearing apart, underground facilities will hardly be a safe haven.
As major earth changes steadily increase, with a steady uptick in earthquakes and volcanic activity, a discernible earth wobble, and wild weather extremes and punishing storms, maintaining the cover-up is impossible. Planet X and earth changes are being openly discussed worldwide.
But, what about the rest of us who are not counted among the so-called "elite"? What of us? What are we to do? Should we just go on with our lives, residing in known danger zones? Should we remain living on coastlines or in cities to drown or die as cities flood and skyscrapers come crashing down?
Yes. This is what the so-called elite would have us do, at least until they are safely tucked away from masses and the coming chaos.
Such is the nature of the cover-up.
Original post @ http://www.examiner.com/article/strange-elite-exodus-planet-x-cometh-see-how-they-run
Original Source : 2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria



按照聖經所言,撒旦在地球上的國度有7個,按歷史年代如下: 巴比倫、亞述、新巴比倫、波斯瑪代、古希臘、古羅馬和仍未出現的敵基督國度(美國+歐洲聯盟)。這些歷史顯赫一時的帝國。這些帝國住部是以軍事實力強大、常以武力征服別國,擴張版圖而聞名。


「這 像 的 頭 是 精 金 的 、 胸 膛 和 膀 臂 是 銀 的 、 肚 腹 和 腰 是 銅 的 、腿 是 鐵 的 、 腳 是 半 鐵 半 泥 的。」


「我 被 聖 靈 感 動 、 天 使 帶 我 到 曠 野 去 . 我 就 看 見 一 個 女 人 騎 在 朱 紅 色 的 獸 上 . 那 獸 有 七 頭 十 角 、 遍 體 有 褻 瀆 的 名 號 。那 女 人 穿 著 紫 色 和 朱 紅 色 的 衣 服 、 用 金 子 寶 石 珍 珠 為 妝 飾 . 手 拿 金 杯 、 杯 中 盛 滿 了 可 憎 之 物 、 就 是 他 淫 亂 的 污 穢 。在 他 額 上 有 名 寫 著 說 、 奧 秘 哉 、 大 巴 比 倫 、 作 世 上 的 淫 婦 和 一 切 可 憎 之 物 的 母 。」


相關影片(1)2012 榮耀盼望 Vol.05 美國對比大巴比倫

美國歷史上的戰爭與經濟發展美國自獨立以來,所參與的戰 爭和對外的軍事行動多達200多次, 對印第安人的掠奪戰爭就多達百 次以上,僅1945年到1990年,進行的海外戰爭就有124四次,從1991年到二十一世紀,又參加了40多次的海外戰爭。






相關影片(2) 2012榮耀盼望 Vol.94 



相關影片(3)2012 榮耀盼望 Vol.43 2520,666,巴比倫和美國之關係




共濟會與密碼 11 (911的秘密)




錫安教會主日信息:2012 榮耀盼望 vol.5 :拉線(三) 三條拉線的鑰匙

錫安教會主日信息:2012 榮耀盼望 vol. 43 :星際啟示錄(一) 第四獸

2012 榮耀盼望 vol. 94:星際啟示錄 (四十) 伯利恆之星的奧秘 (三十一) 金燈台詩篇 (21) 9月號Webbot答問篇 (序)
